Family Class Sponsorship

Family Class: Specific Qualifications and Requirements

Through the Family Class classification of Canadian immigration, Canadian citizens and permanent residents may sponsor close relatives and family members for Canadian immigration.

For a Family Class application to be fruitful and successful, both the sponsor in Canada and their sponsored relative or family member must meet immigration prerequisites and requirements. These requirements and conditions differ depending under which program the application is submitted.

Spouse or Common-Law Partner Sponsorship

Necessities and Requirements for the Sponsor:

  • The sponsor must be no less than 18 years old;
  • The sponsor must be a Canadian permanent resident residing or living in Canada or a Canadian Citizen;
  • The sponsor can’t be in jail, bankrupt, under a removal order (if a permanent resident) or accused of a serious offense; and
  • The sponsor can’t have been sponsored by Canada as a life partner or spouse in the last five years.

Necessities and Requirements for the Sponsored Person:

  • The sponsored individual must be no less than 16 years old and
  • The sponsored individual must not be too firmly related by blood to the sponsor.

Prerequisites for the nature of the relationship:

The candidate must demonstrate that the relationship between the sponsor and the sponsored individual qualifies less than one of three classifications:

  • Life Partner/Spouse: This implies the Sponsor, and the Sponsored Person is legitimately married. For those wedded inside Canada, a Certificate of Marriage from the province or territory where the marriage occurred will demonstrate that the marriage is substantial and valid. Take note of that same-sex marriage performed inside Canada are necessary for spousal sponsorship. If the wedding occurred outside of Canada, it must be legitimate under the law of the country where it happened and additionally under Canadian government law. Same-sex marriages that took place outside of Canada are not legal for spousal sponsorship, but rather an application can be made under either the common-law partner or conjugal partner classifications if such a relationship can be demonstrated.
  • Common-law partner: keeping in mind that to establish a common-law relationship, the Sponsor and the Sponsored Person must live together consistently for no less than one year, barring brief nonappearances for business or family reasons.
  • Marital partner: Conjugal/Marital partner can be of either opposite-sex or same-sex. A sponsored individual is characterized as a marital or conjugal partner if:
  • Excellent conditions outside their ability to control have kept the candidates from qualifying as common-law partners or spouses, for example, immigration obstructions or legitimate confinements constraining separation or same-sex connections; and
  • The candidates have had a commonly dependent relationship for no less than one year with the same level of responsibility from a marriage or a common-law union. This can require a show of passionate ties and closeness, money related closeness, for example, joint responsibility for or shared monetary support, and endeavors to spend time together and rejoin.

Parent and Grandparent Family Class Sponsorship

Prerequisites for the Sponsor:

  • The sponsor and their relative must consent to a sponsorship arrangement that confers the support to give money related support to their family, if relevant. If sponsoring an individual going to the Province of Quebec, an “endeavor” with the Province must be agreed upon.
  • The sponsor must guarantee to give monetary support to the relative and some other qualified relatives going with them for a time of 10 years. The day and age start the day the parent or grandparent turns into a Permanent Resident.
  • The sponsor must meet the income requirements for this program.

Prerequisites for the Sponsored Person:

  • The supported individual must be the parent(s) or grandparent(s) of the sponsor.

Parent and Grandparent Super Visa Sponsorship
Necessities for the Sponsor:

  • The sponsor must be the kid or grandchild of the supported individual;
  • The sponsor must give a composed duty of monetary support; and
  • The sponsor must meet the income requirements for this program.

Prerequisites for the Sponsored Person:

  • The sponsoring individual must be the parent or grandparent of the support;
  • The sponsoring individual must be acceptable to Canada as a guest;
  • The sponsoring individual must demonstrate that he or she has purchased Canadian medicinal protection scope for no less than one year; and
  • The sponsoring individual must experience an Immigration Medical Examination.

Subordinate/Dependent Child Sponsorship
Necessities for the Sponsor:

  • The sponsor must be 18 years old;
  • The sponsor must be a Canadian permanent resident residing or living in Canada or a Canadian citizen; and
  • The sponsor can’t be in jail, bankrupt, under a removal order (if a permanent resident) or accused of a good offense.

Prerequisites for the Sponsored Person:

  • The sponsored individual must be in one of the following circumstances of reliance:
  • Under 19 years old and not a life partner/spouse or common-law partner; or
  • Has been a progressing full-time understudy since before the age of 19 and has depended generously on the monetary support of the parent since that time; or
  • Is 19 years old or more seasoned and meets the accompanying:
  • Become a life partner/spouse before the age of 19;
  • Has been a continuous full-time understudy since before the age of 19; and
  • Has depended generously on the money related support of the parent since they turned into a life partner or spouse; or
  • Is 19 years old or more stable/established and has relied considerably on the money related support of the parent since before the age of 19 and can’t be fiscally self-supporting due to a physical or mental condition.

Necessities for nature of the relationship:

  • The Sponsored Person must be either:
  • The biological offspring of the parent if the kid has not been adopted by a man other than the spouse or common-law spouse of partner; or
  • The adopted offspring of the parent.




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